[PAINTINGS] A Beautiful Christmas Story by Lynn Bywaters

Lynn Bywaters christmas art noel illustration
Christmas Parade Painting - Gouache On Strathmore Paper A variety of North American wild animals and Northern cardinals passing by a decorated Christmas tree at night in a snowy landscape.

Start your Christmas story this year with the beautiful gouache paintings featuring the nature in full celebration of a magic winter. Lynn Bywaters has been an illustrator for more than 30 years, creating hundreds of charming paintings and drawings for children's books and enchanted greeting cards. Enjoy!
Lynn Bywaters christmas art noel illustration
Angel of Peace Painting Gouache On Strathmore Paper An angel sits on a wooden bench in a snow covered landscape holding a lamb in her lap, and at her feet- a sleeping lion.
Lynn Bywaters christmas art noel illustration
Cross-country Santa Painting - Gouache On Strathmore Paper Santa Claus with a basket full of toys on his back, cross-country skiing with his sled dogs, accompanied by cardinals- on his way to deliver toys for Christmas.

Lynn Bywaters christmas art noel illustration
Christmas Gathering -Painting - Gouache On Strathmore Paper Wolves, grizzly bears, moose and cardinals gathered around a vernal pool deep in a snowy hemlock wood.

Lynn Bywaters christmas art noel illustration
Filling the Stockings Painting - Gouache On Strathmore Paper Santa Claus choosing toys to put in the stockings of good little girls and boys.

Lynn Bywaters christmas art noel illustration
Feathered Friends Painting  Gouache On Strathmore Paper A traditional snowman in a top hat, plaid scarf and poinsettia boutonniere enjoys a winter evening with a variety of wild birds.
Lynn Bywaters christmas art noel illustration
Santa's Workshop Painting - Gouache On Strathmore Paper A toy bird magically comes to life while Santa is painting it in his workshop.

Lynn Bywaters christmas art noel illustration
Noel Painting Gouache An angel holding a dove radiating light in a fantasy landscape with a Tea House.
See more beautiful Christmas paintings by Lynn Bywaters here


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