[PHOTOGRAPHY] Snowflakes by Alexey Kljatov

 So it's that awesome time of the year, snowflakes, trees covered in puffy snow, romantic lights and warm hugs from your significant other. I love winter, I love the amazing frosty scenery, not the cold though...

I present you the beautiful snowflake photography of Alexey Kljatov. He captures snowflakes on glass surface then takes macro pictures of them using a background highlighted by LED light and dark woolen fabrics. The result? A gorgeous snowflake photography set, each one so perfect, so inspiring and so unique!
It's not just for my love of macro photography or obsession with the perfect and sophisticated shapes the nature hides that I'm so enticed by Alexey Kljatov's snowflake photos. It's the creativity, passion and patience the photographer has put to work in a most common place, his home's open balcony, a stool with legs up and a glass plate.  He's even built a macro add-on for his camera to improve the quality and angle of his snowflake photography. If you're a photography buff and would love to macro capture snowflakes this winter, go ahead and read Alexey Kljatov's article here describing the add-on and overall process of his macro photography.


See more of Alexey Kljatov's snowflakes and snow crystal photography here


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