[PHOTOGRAPHY] Snowflakes and Snow Crystals by Mark Cassino

This time, I've got nothing to say. I'm just going to let you hear it from the author himself and enjoy these beautiful macro shoots of snowflakes and snow crystals falling from the sky.
 "When I started photographing snowflakes, I learned that most show the wear and tear of their travels through the atmosphere. Brushes with other snow crystals, changes in humidity and temperature, the effects of sublimation and the trauma of landing on earth all take a random toll on their crystalline structure".

Mark Cassino also has two print photo albums dedicated to his snowflake photograpy. "Imperfect Symmetry" and "The Story of Snow". You know, these will make for a great gift this Christmas.

You can see more of Mark Cassino's beautiful snowflake and snow crystal photography here


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