[SURREALISM] Salvador Dali's Crazy Cookbook Les Diners de Gala

Salvador Dali's Crazy Cookbook Les Diners de Gala

OK. This is crazy. Salvador Dali's surrealist cookbook Les Diners de Gala is being reissued in print form after 40 years. It looks out of this world today, I could only imagine the reaction people had back in 70s-80s.  Saying this book is eccentric is basically just underselling it, but I'm betting some creative contemporary chef is going to reinterpret some of these imaginative Dali recipes. Maybe start with veal cutlets stuffed with snails or some frog pastries? 

This surrealist cookbook features 136 recipes, from full meal courses to exciting aphrodisiacs. Dali said of his peculiar cookbook that it is "uniquely devoted to the pleasures of taste" and it is not for the "disciple of one of those calorie-counters who turn the joys of eating into a form of punishment". This is "lively, too aggressive and far too impertinent for" those that live their life within traditional culinary rules.

Salvador Dali's Crazy Cookbook Les Diners de Gala

Salvador Dali's Crazy Cookbook Les Diners de Gala

Salvador Dali's Crazy Cookbook Les Diners de Gala

Salvador Dali's Crazy Cookbook Les Diners de Gala

You can buy it here.


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