[SCULPTURE] Fairy Ring Giant Mushroom Sculptures by Tom Hare

tom hare fungi sculpture fairy ring giant mushroom photography botanical garden kew park (3)
Fairy Ring giant mushroom sculptures created by Tom Hare for the Botanical Gardens in Kew, London England
Artist Tom Hare created an amazing fairy ring in Kew's Central Avenue botanical gardens. He was commissioned 29 individual giant mushrooms that were disposed in seven clusters part of Kew�s IncrEdibles Festival.

tom hare fungi sculpture fairy ring giant mushroom photography botanical garden kew park (3)
Fairy Ring mushroom sculptures created by Tom Hare for the Botanical Gardens in Kew, London England

tom hare fungi sculpture fairy ring giant mushroom photography botanical garden kew park (3)
Fairy Ring mushroom sculptures created by Tom Hare for the Botanical Gardens in Kew, London England

tom hare fungi sculpture fairy ring mushroom photography botanical garden kew park (3)
Fairy Ring mushroom sculptures created by Tom Hare for the Botanical Gardens in Kew, London England

tom hare fungi sculpture fairy ring giant mushroom photography botanical garden kew park (3)
Fairy Ring mushroom sculptures created by Tom Hare for the Botanical Gardens in Kew, London England

tom hare fungi sculpture fairy ring giant mushroom photography botanical garden kew park (3)
Fairy Ring mushroom sculptures created by Tom Hare for the Botanical Gardens in Kew, London England

tom hare fungi sculpture fairy ring giant mushroom photography botanical garden kew park (3)
Fairy Ring mushroom sculptures created by Tom Hare for the Botanical Gardens in Kew, London England


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