[SCULPTURE] Dream Series, Surreal Animals by Wang Ruilin

Surreal art Animal Sculptures Dream Series by Wang Ruilin horse
Surreal horse, copper sculpture by Wang Ruilin
 If surreal art is your thing, you are so going to love these beautiful and magic-like animal sculptures by Wang Ruilin. The works presented in this post are part of a series called "Dreams"  introduced for the first time earlier this year at ART Beijing. These surreal animals are made of copper and they are often presented as base for nature elements, from lakes to mountain cliffs and woods.

Surreal art Animal Sculptures Dream Series by Wang Ruilin whale
Surreal whale, copper sculpture by Wang Ruilin

Surreal art Animal Sculptures Dream Series by Wang Ruilin rhino
Surreal rhino, copper sculpture by Wang Ruilin

Surreal art Animal Sculptures Dream Series by Wang Ruilin whale
Surreal whale, copper sculpture by Wang Ruilin
Surreal art Animal Sculptures Dream Series by Wang Ruilin deer
Surreal deer, copper sculpture by Wang Ruilin

Surreal art Animal Sculptures Dream Series by Wang Ruilin bizon
Surreal bizon, copper sculpture by Wang Ruilin

Surreal art Animal Sculptures Dream Series by Wang Ruilin whale
Surreal whale, copper sculpture by Wang Ruilin
See more surreal animal sculptures by Wang Ruilin here


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