[FANTASY ART] Photography by Margarita Kareva

fantasy photography by margarita kareva - elf
Russian photographer Margarita Kareva takes popular fairytales and gives life to characters through her fantasy photography. Deeply touching and intensely personal, the women in her photography seem to go beyond the screen or print, managing to take a look into your soul.
fantasy photography by margarita kareva - russian style
Russian style

fantasy photography by margarita kareva - pink mist
Pink Mist

fantasy photography by margarita kareva - legend of the guardians
Legend of the Guardians

fantasy photography by margarita kareva - rock-oil
Rock oil

fantasy photography by margarita kareva

fantasy photography by margarita kareva

fantasy photography by margarita kareva

fantasy photography by margarita kareva

fantasy photography by margarita kareva - ghostly beauty
Ghostly Beauty

fantasy photography by margarita kareva
See more and shop fantasy photography by Margarita Kareva here
Visit the official artist website


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