[FANTASY ART] Christophe Vacher

Christophe Vacher is a two-time Emmy Award Winner and Art director with a long-time experience in visual development, art direction and background creation for some of the most popular companies in the film industry (Dreamworks, Disney, Universal Studios). His work is inspired by travels, music and personal reflections. "Each painting can either put you in another world, in the middle of a book story or simply be the expression in symbols of my inner feelings. "The Messengers", for instance, was painted after my first trip to Ireland in 1995", says Christophe Vacher.
He works on "canvas prepared with two coats of gesso. I do a pencil sketch on paper, then on the canvas before I start painting with oils and alkyds or acrylic. But I also like to try other mediums, like ink or mixed media and watercolors... It is hard for me to discuss my own work; like your own handwriting, it is something that, at this point, is simply a part of me"

Neo-Samarkand, the East meets the West

The Canyon

Vision at the lake
See more of Christophe Vacher on the artist's website
Read an interview with Christophe Vacher here


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