[LITHOGRAPHY] [ILLUSTRATION] Ernst Haeckel - Kunstformen der Natur book

Ernst Haeckel Anthomedusae
This is officially my favorite book! Kunstformen der Natur is a beautiful collection of lithographic and autotype prints created by a man who successfully managed to recreate the natural beauty in mesmerizing biological drawings. Ernst Haeckel's sketches depict various organisms in such beautiful and harmonious detail you will find yourself amazed of the complex life all-around. Ammonites, jellies, fantastic-like microorganisms, monochromatic and full color drawings, they are a hypnotic collection and amazing lesson of biology, one that raises awareness for the beauty that surrounds us every day.

Ernst Haeckel Basimycetes
Ernst Haeckel Mycetozoa
Ernst Haeckel Prosobranchia
Ersnt Haeckel Stephoidea
Ernst Haeckled Peromedusae
Ersnt Haeckler Discomedusae


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