[STATUES] Sarah Louise Davey

You've probably figured it out by now, I have a thing for weird and dramatic art, and boy does Sarah Louise Davey's statues fit the bill. Uniqueness is hard to find and I'm talking about art that will stand out from the crowd. These statues are a weird mix surely and even if they look a bit too grotesque for the ordinary living room, I'd love to freak out my friends with one of these gruesome statues.
 "It is in my opinion that the answer to �how did I end up here� can be answered through an introspective look at age six. For me, I was a shy girl growing up in Lancaster, PA, attending a strict Catholic school, surrounded by an otherness that only an old building can bring.  Narrow corridors and secret rooms; haunting statues depicting stories of gruesome deaths and harrowing lives. It was also in this year that I saw the Wizard of Oz and the Exorcist for the first time".

See more statues by Sarah Louise Davey here


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