[VISUAL EFFECTS] Daniele del Nero : After Effects

mold house visual effects daniele del nero art

What makes an artist unique? Well, it might just be the willingness to try new things. In this case, Daniele del Nero constructed a series of architectural scale models made from black paper and then covered with flour and set in an environment that would spur the development of mold. The resulted visual effects are incredibly artistic. "My purpose is to talk about the sense of time and destiny of the planet after the human species, through the sense of restlessness which abandoned buildings are able to communicate" Daniele del Nero explains of the After Effects project.

mold house visual effects daniele del nero art

mold house visual effects daniele del nero art

mold house visual effects daniele del nero art

mold house visual effects daniele del nero art

mold house visual effects daniele del nero art

mold house visual effects daniele del nero art
 See more of Daniele del Nero work here


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